Graduates & Internships

Studenti universitari e neolaureati

We are committed to supporting the next generation of young professionals. Engaging the younger generation means we can shape the world to strengthen their future.


We believe in young talents and investing in their future, this is why we foster their development through world-class universities and our dedicated program, Tomorrow’s Builders, across the world. This ensures that we have a sustained pipeline of technical expertise which represents one of the strengths of our global footprint. 

Our interest in training young talent helps the Group respond to future challenges in the infrastructure sector. We deliver employee branding activities, focusing on the attraction and selection of young people and the provision of professional counselling and tutoring for construction sector career opportunities.

This involves strategic agreements with Universities, engagement initiatives such as career days, dedicated recruiting days, themed workshops in university faculties, presentations and visits to construction sites and innovation labs, with a focus on communications via digital and social media, university websites and the main on-line job boards. These channels allow direct and ongoing contact with potential candidates.


Our people are our strength

We are present across 5 continents. We compete with global players through the work of a multi-cultural team

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Direct and Indirect Employees

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Webuild and young talents. What’s on campus?

From Italy to Australia: our focus is on students and young graduates!

Over the last few years, we consolidated strategic agreements with the most prestigious international universities and strengthened our collaboration for training and for attracting talented young people, globally.



Webuild and University of Technology of Sydney

In Sydney, we continue our collaboration, which began in 2018, with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). A wide-ranging partnership that has seen the development of various programs and initiatives. 

The recipients of the 2022 Australia Tomorrow’s Builders Scholarships were identified for being the most deserving engineering students, while the Women in Engineering and IT program was renewed to promote women engineers’ academic and professional training. Webuild continued its partnership with UTS in 2023, supporting the Women in Engineering & IT Program and through scholarships in engineering and construction courses.

Webuild and the University of Technology Sydney: agreement of collaboration
Webuild University of Queensland

Our partnership with the University of Queensland, which started in 2021, was driven by the desire to strengthen the attention that Webuild pays to young talents in the territories where the Group works. In 2022, Webuild entered into a partnership to fund two scholarships for First Nations engineering students. The first recipients started their courses in 2023. This partnership speaks to the importance of inclusion and diversity to the Group, helping to affirm Webuild as an employer of choice. Webuild also participated in the 2023 Innovation Challenges, contributing to stimulate the creativity of engineering students and the development of new sustainability options.


Webuild and University of Melbourne

In September 2020, we entered a five-year partnership agreement with the Melbourne School of Engineering at the University of Melbourne (Australia's best university by academic reputation, according to the QS World University Rankings 2020, which places it 15th, globally).

In 2022, the provision of a Webuild Master of Civil Engineering Scholarship was renewed,  provided to a students who wants to specialise in civil engineering, and a Webuild Women in Engineering Scholarship, to continue to attract and support women who wish to study engineering. 

The collaboration allows the Group to join the academic network, to participate in major university events, university recruitment and training initiatives, and to organise dedicated selection and career guidance campaigns.

Webuild and the University of Melbourne: agreement of collaboration

Graduates & Internships

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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